Our trails start 8 miles off I-91, west on US 302 in Groton, VT, near and in the Groton State Forest. The best way to start and end your trip to the Northeast Kingdom!
Lambert Farms
New PistonBully
The Buckaroos of 302 in Groton, VT, held their first club meeting in 1968. Our membership numbers have grown up to the 700 range! We are responsible for the maintenance and grooming of ~60 miles of VAST trails. These trails are in the Groton State Forest, Groton, Peacham, Ryegate and Topsham. Our trails are traditionally known to be at the beginning of the snow belt that connects via VAST corridor trails through Danville, East Burke, Island Pond and Canaan.
The Club has an agreement with VAST that Lambert Farm Grooming contracts to groom our trail system. Lambert Farm Grooming is a private contractor owned by Jesse Lambert. The grooming equipment includes a state-of-the-art PistonBully, a 10 foot wide groomer with a 9 foot tall brush bar.
Annual BBQ: Dick Page Ride-In
Each year on the 2nd Saturday in February, the Buckaroos of 302 host the Dick Page Ride-In Chicken BBQ at the Town Garage in Groton. This BBQ is a “Thank You” dinner for our local landowners and all snowmobilers.
Find Us
Our trail system is conveniently accessed just 10 minutes west of I-91, ext 17, on Route 302. From I-89, use exits 6 or 7, take Route 302 East for about 20 miles to Groton.
Our Goals
To have Fun
To provide the best trails around so our extended family can enjoy our backyard
To promote the sport of snowmobiling; riding free from impairment; riding within our abilities, and to promote responsible use of the privilege the private landowner extends to all of us
2023-2024 Officers
Club Meeting in October 2017
President: Taylor Lamberton, tlamberton34@gmail.com
Vice President: Kevin McDonnell, kineo184@sbcglobal.net
Secretary: Stuart Russo-Savage
Trail Master/Member Chair Gary Lamberton, glamberton@charter.net
Treasurer: Dwaine Smith
2018 Trail Work
Trail Stewards
Dave Spencer, 194ds@earthlink.net
Dean Edson, dbedson@fairpoint.net
Kevin McDonnell, kineo184@sbcglobal.net
Gary Lamberton, glamberton@charter.net
Buzzy Eastman’s Big Blue
Private Grooming Contractor: Jesse Lambert, Lambert Farm Grooming
Social and Web Media Coordinator: Suzanne Pare, suzanne.pare08@gmail.com
Clothing Representative: Gary Lamberton and Suzanne Pare
Caledonia County Representative: Gary Lamberton

Contact us.
Interested in volunteering? Have questions about our trail conditions?